Analyst Coverage

The table below provides a representation of institutional sell-side analysts that cover the Qualitas Group. The institutional analysts who monitor the Qualitas Group attend our briefings and maintain regular contact with senior management.

Company Analyst
Evans & Partners Olivier Coulon
Macquarie David Pobucky
Morgans Liam Schofield

Important Information: These analysts follow Qualitas Limited (ASX:QAL) (Qualitas) and are known to Qualitas. This may not be a complete list of every analyst that follows Qualitas and only those analysts that have provided their consent to have their details disclosed on this page are listed above. This list is provided for informational purposes only and any estimates, forecasts, opinions, conclusions, predictions, recommendations or other statements regarding Qualitas’ performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not constitute the estimates, forecasts, opinions, conclusions, predictions, recommendations or statements of Qualitas or its management. Qualitas does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information. Analyst reports may contain errors or omissions and Qualitas does not provide any assurance that facts stated in any analyst report are correct. Qualitas undertakes no duty to update or correct information contained in any analyst report and makes no representations, nor does it give any warranties as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information contained on this page.