Investor Fact Sheet

Name: Qualitas Limited 
Business Description: Qualitas is an alternative real estate investment manager focused in private credit 
and equity across commercial real estate sectors.
Qualitas has $8.9 billion in FUM1.
Business Founded: 2008
Listings: Qualitas (QAL) is listed on:
The Australian Stock Exchange (ASX)Opens in new window

Its securities are listed under
ASX code: QAL
Registered Office: Qualitas Limited (Registered Office)
Level 38, 120 Collins Street 
Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia
Board of Directors: Andrew Fairley AM - Independent Non-Executive Chairman
Andrew Schwartz – Co-Founder, Group Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer
Mary Ploughman – Independent Non-Executive Director
Michael Schoenfeld – Independent Non-Executive Director
JoAnne Stephenson - Independent Non-Executive Director
Brian Delaney – Non-Executive Director (non-independent)
Company Secretary: Terrie Morgan
Website: in new window
Auditor: KPMG
Share Registry:

Link Market Services
Level 12, 680 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: 8280 7100 (within Australia)
+61 2 8280 7100 (outside Australia)

Qualitas Contacts:
Telephone: 1800 628 703 (within Australia)

1. As at 27 June 2024.